Sunday, October 13, 2013

Run the Rocks 5k

I haven't posted for a few days, mostly because I hadn't really done anything very interesting.  But today was different, and figured it was a good day for an update.

I just checked the blog, and it looks like I last posted an update on Monday.  Like I said, I haven't done much since, but here's a quick update:
  • Tuesday:  Commute to work.  This allowed me to skip the scheduled trainer ride that evening.

  • Wednesday:  My training plan calls for a "wildcard day" on Wednesday, which means I should do something other than cycling.  I decided to do another P90X+ workout, "Total Body Plus".  I've posted about this workout before, and I really like it.  Upper body, lower body and core.  Just a great overall workout.
  • Thursday was supposed to be an aerobic base workout on the trainer, but it got a little stupid.  I hopped on the trainer to start the workout, and had problems pedaling.  I looked around to try to figure out why, and noticed that I had a broken spoke.  I didn't really know how to replace a spoke, and besides, didn't have any spare spokes, so I had to give up on the workout for the evening.  Instead, I jumped on the elliptical and ran for 45 minutes.
  • Friday, I took my wheel to the bike shop in the morning, hoping to get it back in time for a Friday night workout.  The shop called while I was driving home from work, and my wheel was ready.  Friday was also when I received my latest download from Spinervals, and I downloaded one of the few videos I didn't already have:  Aero Base Builder VI.  This was the workout I was supposed to do on Thursday evening, but was going to have to find a substitute.  Since I moved Thursday's workout to Friday, I had the video I needed.  After dinner, I got the wheel on the bike, and managed to get my workout in.

  • Saturday:  Just no time to work out with all the kids sports going on.
That brings me to today.  This morning, my daughter and I headed out to Morrison, Colorado and Red Rocks Park to participate in the Run the Rocks 5k, a fundraiser for the American Lung Association.  This is the 4th race we've done together this year, and our third 5k.  She really loves to run, and I love to run with her.  And out of all the races we've done this year, this had the best scenery by far.  Red Rocks is a spectacular place to run, and even better early in the morning, with the morning sun and just a hint of fog.  My daughter did awesome, coming in 5th in the 10-and-under age group.

The race finishes by climbing the steps of the amphitheater.  Definitely the most difficult 5k we've done.

Showing off our finishers medals and bags o' swag.

On Saturday, I was supposed to do a 2 1/2-hour aerobic endurance workout on the trainer, but the training plan gives me the option for an outdoor ride instead.  Due to our schedule, I wasn't able to do anything yesterday.  Instead, I had some time to ride after the 5k and lunch today.  I went out for a nice 50 mile ride north of home a bit.  Not any climbing or anything, mostly a lot of flat with some occasional rolling.  A nice ride; sunny and cool.  A nice way to spend the afternoon.  Definitely better than sitting on a trainer in my garage.

Today's weigh-in: 182.6

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