Saturday, June 28, 2014

Boulder Time Trial - June 4, 2014

When I volunteered to work at the Superior Morgul Criterium a few weeks before, I earned a free race with that promoter, Without Limits Productions.  Looking at their remaining races for the year, it looked like getting a free entry into the June 4 time trial in Boulder.  This is a monthly series throughout the summer, on Wednesday evenings.

The route is 12 miles from Lyons to Boulder on US 36.  It's a tough route, with a couple decent hills.  Time trials aren't my specialty, but I kind of like them.  I think if I had true time trial equipment, I could do a lot better.  I seem to have pretty good leg strength for this sort of thing, but I really can't compete against people with a full set of aero equipment.

We had a few people from the team heading to this race, and we all met in Boulder near the finish line, then used the 12-mile ride to the start line as our warmup.  We got to the start, helped each other pin on our numbers, went to the bathroom, and were ready to go.

I ended up placing 4th out of 7 in the MM Cat 4 35+ category.  Not great, but I was fine with it.  Like I said, I don't have a time trial bike and other aero equipment like others in the race.  I do have some clip-on aero bars, which helps, but that's it.  No aero helmet, shoe covers, skin suit, etc.  Truthfully, if I want to do better in time trials without dropping a lot of cash, the best thing I could do is just lose some weight.  Which I'm working on...

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