Thursday, April 2, 2015

Hard ride during a recovery week

Even though this is a "recovery week", that doesn't mean I'm doing nothing.  Just less than usual.  In fact, today was a really hard workout.  The idea behind the recovery week is that my overall week will be significantly less stress, but that can come in many forms.  Generally, my workouts this week are shorter and easier, but they still threw one really hard interval workout at me.

TrainerRoad - "Striped"

As you can see, there are a lot of high-intensity, but relatively short, intervals.  A decent amount of stress, but not unbearable. This ended up being a somewhat high stress score (TSS) of 81.  But my last two workouts were only 43 and 20, so extremely low.  And I'm not scheduled for any kind of workout tomorrow.  This easy week, combined with my total rest day tomorrow, should leave me well-rested for my two races this weekend.

Today's Power Management Chart
As you can see from the above chart, my "form" (the gray shaded area) is still going up, even though I worked pretty hard today.  Come back in a few days to see how I ended up doing in this weekend's races.

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