Thursday, September 12, 2013

Rain, rain, go away

If you live here, or you have been watching the news, you'll know the Denver/Boulder area has had a few days of insane rain.  Last night into today have been the worst.  Major flooding, building damage, road damage, dam failures, etc.  It's nuts.  Oh, and as of this writing, there are three dead and one missing.  HERE are some pics that viewers submitted to the local news channel.

I can't believe I was riding in 95-degree heat and blazing sun on Sunday, and starting on Monday, it turned around completely.  It had basically rained for three days straight.  And we are supposed to be getting more rain overnight.

On Sunday, I am supposed to be taking part in the Good Sam Bike Jam, a fundraiser for the Exempla Good Samaritan Foundation.  My office sponsored a team of 10 riders, and we actually have 11.  Most of us were going to be riding the century ride.  This would really be the last big ride of the year.  Unfortunately, due to the flooding in the area damaging roads and buildings throughout the region and some towns being evacuated and declared disaster areas, the plans have changed.  The organizers have gotten rid of the 100 and 62 mile rides, because they were going to be going through some heavily damaged areas.  So, it looks like we're going to be doing the 45-mile route instead.  Not sure yet, but maybe we'll do it twice.  The team is meeting for lunch tomorrow to discuss our plans.

With all this rain, I haven't been able to get out and ride since Sunday.  I was feeling like I needed to get on the bike again, so I hopped on the trainer for a 1-hour workout tonight.

 I was pretty happy with my ride tonight.  I compared tonight's workout to the last 3 times I'd done this particular workout, and was happy to see my average speed faster than the previous times.  I've included the comparison chart below.  You can click on it to see it larger.

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