Tuesday, January 28, 2014


Today was a 3-workout day.  I think it might be the only one in my current training program.  Most days have two workouts.  Typically a bike workout and either a short cardio or short strength workout.  Today, I got to do them all.

I haven't been posting for a while, so I had done a post about Strendurance.  As I've said before, Spinervals is a video series focused on cycling on triathlon training.  But they also offer training videos for other types of fitness that will assist in an overall training program.  They have some treadmill workouts,  yoga, team sports training (with Ray Lewis!), a crazy swimming video and strength training.  The strength training videos are known as Strendurance.  I'm not sure if the word come from "strength and endurance", meaning it's supposed to be working on both, or "strength for endurance athletes".  Either way, they are pretty good workouts.

The Strendurance series consists of 7 half-hour workouts on one disc (or as a number of individual video files, if you buy the digital versions like I do).  There are six workouts, A-F, meant to be done in a 12-week progression, and a "maintenance" workout you can do to maintain your fitness after that buildup.

Because I just re-started this blog, I missed talking about Strendurance when I actually started doing them, so I am already onto Workout B in my progression.  I'd done Workout A twice a week for the past two weeks, and now I have two weeks of Workout B.

I'm not sure what the future Strendurance workouts will be like, but Workout B is a 25-minute workout pretty similar to Workout A, with just a few more reps.

Strendurance Workout B:
  • 30 sec of Flix
  • 30 seconds of squats
  • 30 seconds of high-knees
  • 8 burpees
Set 1 (x3):
  • 20 seconds of squats
  • 20 seconds of pushups
  • 20 seconds of crunches (on mat or ball)
  • 20 seconds of back extensions (on mat or ball)
  • 20 seconds of mountain climbers
Set 2 (x3):
  • 20 seconds - shoulder press
  • 20 seconds - upright rows
  • 20 seconds - tricep extensions
  • 20 seconds - curls
  • 30 seconds - jumping jacks
Set 3:
  • 8 squat thrusts
  • 8 push ups
  • 8 squats
  • 8 jumping jacks

It doesn't seem like much, but it all happens pretty quick with very little rest time.  A lot of work in a little time, which is nice.  Easy to crank out in the morning before getting ready for work.

  • Breakfast:  Fruit / protein smoothie
  • Lunch:  Protein bar at my desk.  Actually had a lunch seminar at work today, but they didn't bring anything I wanted to eat.  I ate a pickle and drank some water.  Everything else had lots of stuff I don't like:  feta, olives, mushrooms, avocado, or big, carb-y bread.
  • Dinner: Mini Paleo Pizzas

  • Strendurance Workout B - strength training from Spinervals
  • 40 minutes on the treadmill in the fitness room at my daughter's gymnastics class
  • Spinervals 17.0 - Aero Base Builder II.  80 minutes of aerobic base training.  My scheduled workout was actually a 2-hour Zone 3 workout, but I just didn't have time for that tonight.  Spinervals 17 was listed as an alternate workout, so I did that instead.

Today's weigh-in: 187.6

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