Thursday, May 23, 2013

Medical update

It's been 6 days since I broke my arm (depending on when you read this).  The past week has been pretty miserable.  I was in some pain last weekend, but managed to spend some time running and on the bike trainer, trying to keep in shape for when I could eventually get back on the bike.  But once I got back to work on Monday, things went downhill.  I was annoyed and disappointed with myself, stopped working out and started eating like crap.  I managed to put a few pounds back on.

This morning, I went to see the orthopedic doctor for an update.  Things went about as well as could be expected.  They took some more x-rays, and my fracture hasn't moved at all.  That was very good news.  That meant that they could be reasonably sure that the break wasn't going anywhere, and I could start working more on my recovery.  I was told I didn't need to wear the waist strap on my sling, which was nice, and I could remove the ace bandages.  I was really happy to hear that, because they were really annoying.  Even better, they wanted me to take my arm out of the sling a few times a day to work on moving my arm, to get my range of motion back.  I am ok to type and use the mouse, and generally move my arm around, as long as I am not lifting anything more than about a pound.  And I am even free to try to tie my shoes, if I think I can (I can't).

I was warned about getting back on the bike yet.  He said it would probably be about 4 weeks until I could put that stress on it.  I really want to participate in the Elephant Rock on June 2, but I'm not sure that's going to happen.  (Lisa says if I ride with a broken arm, and fall and break my other arm, we'll be getting a divorce).

I'll be going back for a follow-up in about 2 weeks.  Wish me luck.

So, that good report today raised my spirits a bit.  Although I still ate like crap today, I managed to get on the trainer tonight and get some miles in.  I'm still looking forward to the day that I can shift with my right hand, because that will mean training for real.  This was really just pedaling tonight.  I find it hard to push myself without any kind of training video.  Hopefully soon.

I didn't post last night.  I think that's the first time since January 1 that I didn't post anything.  Sorry about that.  I just wasn't feeling it.  Typing with one hand sucks, my tablet battery was dead so I wasn't able to ride the trainer and watch a movie, I needed to wrap some birthday presents for my son, and Psych was on.

Hopefully, I'll be back to posting regularly, working hard, and losing weight again.  Stay tuned.  (Note: Pretty sure I put on weight today, especially once you see what I ate.  No more of that.)

  • Breakfast:  Fruit / protein smoothie
  • Lunch:  cheesesteak again.  Man, I love those things.  I really need to stop that.  I don't know what's gotten in to me this week.
  • Dinner:  Went out for my son's birthday.  He wanted to go to Red Robin, because they have balloons.  I could have had a salad, but I didn't.  Patty melt and fries.  I couldn't help it.  If I go someplace, and they have a patty melt on the menu, I have to get it.  I can't resist.
    Dessert:  Birthday cupcake.

  • 60 minutes on the trainer.  Watched the second half of Hugo.  Thought it was good, but not great.  I enjoyed it.  I love movies, and this was really like a love letter to film, so I appreciated that.

Today's weigh-in: xxxx

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