Sunday, July 7, 2013

Last big training ride

The Triple Bypass is in a little less than a week, and I guess I'm as ready as I'll ever be.  I rode with a guy from my office and another guy who works at a local hospital, and his wife, all of whom are doing the Triple Bypass next weekend.

We started our ride in Boulder this morning, then after a short ride through town, headed up into the foothills.  We climbed Lee Hill Dr. and Lefthand Canyon up to Ward, where we stopped for a quick drink.  That actually took care of most of the climbing for the day.  From Ward, it was a lot of downhill to Nederland, followed by some moderate up-and-down to the top of Coal Creek Canyon.  We descended Coal Creek Canyon via the same route as last weekend, which includes a nice 3-mile climb in the middle.  After that, I headed back north to Boulder, while my friend Brian headed towards Golden and eventually back to Denver and home.

Once back in Boulder, I rode past my car to get in a final climb of Flagstaff Mountain before heading back to an ice-cold Coke waiting for me in the car.  Also in the car was an ice-cold Gatorade Recovery drink.  Holy cow, that crap is disgusting.  I had it once before, and it was terrible then.  I'm not sure why I thought it might be better this time.  A good recovery drink is very helpful after a long ride, but man, that stuff is terrible.  I should have just brought a chocolate milk instead.  Seriously, Gatorade  Recover is just really, really bad.

Looking down on Boulder from the road to the Flagstaff Amphitheater.

Oh, and I haven't posted for a couple days, because I really haven't done much.  But I did swim a mile in the lap pool yesterday.  Farthest I've ever gone.  But that's more due to time constraints than anything else.  On a beautiful day, I love swimming in the outdoor lap pool at Lifetime Fitness.

  • Breakfast:  Fruit / protein smoothie
  • Lunch:  Grabbed a burger at Wendy's on the way home from my ride, for a really, really late lunch.  I know it's terrible for me, but I felt like I deserved it.
  • Dinner:  Steak fajita, with some farmer's market steak.

  • 70 mile bike ride, with 7,500 feet of climbing.  Awesome.


Today's weigh-in:  173.6

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