Friday, July 12, 2013

Well, I'm 40 now.

So, it's finally happened. I turned 40 years old today. It seems like it should be a bigger deal, but today feels pretty much like yesterday.

I haven't been posting as much lately, partly because it was starting to seem a little pointless to write a post when there wasn't much going on, and partly because my wife has been using the laptop every night to get some work done. I can write my posts in my phone or tablet, but I can't really format them the way I like. Right now, I'm forcing her to watch Drunk History online, so she's got the laptop and I'm writing on my tablet. I'll just have to do the formatting later.

I forgot to mention the that I went back the doctor last Friday for a follow-up. It was pretty straightforward. I got the go-ahead to do whatever I wanted, with no restrictions. Which was good news, since that's basically what I'd been doing for the past few weeks anyway.

I'm basically ready for my Triple Bypass ride in a couple days. I've still been training, but I've kind of slowed down a little bit, so I'm not too tired come Saturday morning. I did ride the trainer a bit last night, and rode to work today. I was really happy with my work ride. I really had the speed cranked up. Not sure if I had a tailwind or what, but I was rockin'. I think I'm going to take Friday off just to save my energy, and make sure I have everything packed up for a really early morning on Saturday.

  • Breakfast: Fruit / protein smoothie
  • Lunch: Had a free lunch today at work. Subway.  I usually like Subway, but only when I decide what I eat.  Premade Subway is pretty annoying.
  • Dinner:  Totally unhealthy dinner at Chili's.  It's my birthday, so whatever.  As good an excuse as any.  Cheese fries and some sliders.

  • Rode to work today.  My Garmin report is kind of messed up because I actually rode the trainer for a bit last night with the GPS off, then went for a ride around the neighborhood to test some derailleur adjustments, then some more riding on the trainer.  Then, I actually forgot to reset the bike computer, and rode to and from work today.  So, it shows me riding last night, doing nothing for 8 hours, riding to work, doing nothing for 8 hours, then riding home, when I finally remembered to reset the computer.  It shows as a 21 hour ride.

Today's weigh-in:  177.8.  Disappointing, but expected.  I've been slacking.  I need to get back on the ball.

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