As a monthly download member of Spinervals, I get a new video file once a month. A couple days ago, I selected Spinervals 42.0 - Quads on Fire as this month's download. This is basically an "aerobic endurance" episode, ninety minutes of Zone 3 riding. Or rather, it's supposed to be Zone 3. While I was able to spend a good amount of time in Zone 3, I wasn't able to stay there as long as I should have. And part of the workout should have been at Zone 4, which I was able to do for a very short time, but need to do better. This will be a good once-a-week workout to really build up my endurance.
The weather should be improving over the next few days, so I'm looking forward to getting outside again. Stay tuned.
- Breakfast: Fruit / protein smoothie
- Lunch: Oops. Not sure what happened. I was at work, and it was too cold to really go for a ride or a walk. So instead of sitting at my desk and eating a protein bar, I opted for a cheesesteak. I'm weak. I really need to focus on doing better. I know with nicer weather, I'll be riding my bike more often, which will help prevent me from going to buy lunch.
- Dinner: Chicken breast with tomatillo salsa.
- 90 minutes on the trainer. Spinervals 42.0 - Quads on Fire. Pretty brutal workout.
Today's weigh-in: 188.6
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