Friday, January 18, 2013

Day 18

Not much to report today.  Still annoyed that my Garmin isn't working, but I got an email from them today saying they were sending me a new speed/cadence sensor, which should be here sometime next week.  I certainly don't need it to ride, but it helps.  I need to cadence sensor to follow along with the Spinervals videos, and I need the speed sensor to record my mileage on the trainer.  No, recording mileage isn't as important as simply getting time on the bike, but I would like to record my mileage on Strava, and I can't do that without the speed sensor.

Tomorrow is our first trip to Lifetime Fitness.  Looking forward to it.

  • Breakfast:  Fruit/protein smoothie
  • Lunch: Protein bar
  • Dinner:  Tokyo Joe's.  Yum.  Regular steak and brown rice bowl with Spicyaki sauce and lots of veggies.

  • My usual morning routine.
  • About a 1/2-hour walk at lunch.
  • Elliptical after dinner.  20 minutes of strength intervals, 10 minutes off the elliptical doing the majority of my morning routine, and another 20 minute strength interval.  Watched the first half of Bronson on Netflix.

Today's weigh-in:  213.4


  1. yeah, it can get discouraging when things break like that but probably not as discouraging as putting some pounds back on. you've been riding long enough that you can probably keep track of speed and/or cadence in your head. just keep going. glad to hear you're getting a new speed sensor.

  2. The reason I want the speed sensor right now is that I'm participating in the January Base Miles Challenge on Strava. Quite simply, it's just trying to put in as many miles as possible this month . Before my speed sensor broke, I was about 6,000th out of 33,000 participants. Now I'm 13,000th. Granted, my placement in this challenge doesn't affect my level of fitness, but it's a nice to keep track of.

    Nice user name, by the way.


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