Thursday, September 19, 2013

P90X+ - Yoga X

An easy day today, thank goodness.  Well, easy is somewhat relative.  This was "easy" because I wasn't doing push-ups, pull-ups or insane core work.  But some parts of Yoga X can be pretty strenuous.

I've done this session a bunch of times before, back during my 12-week P90X routine a couple years ago.  But this is the first time I've done it since then.  I had forgotten how much I enjoy it, and how good I feel afterwards.  Sure, it's a long session at 90 minutes, but I don't really mind it.

The first 30 minutes or so of the session is the hardest, consisting of a series of vinyasa sequences leading into various warrior poses, among others.  It takes a long time, and is a little tedious.  And some of the poses require significant strength and balance, which I just don't have right now.

After that sequence, it moves into some balance poses, and then into some nice stretches.  After the stretches, there is a sequence they call Yoga Belly 7, which are a series of positions aimed at strengthening your core muscles.  My core muscles have already taken a beating this week, thank you very much, so I wasn't too happy with this section.  But it doesn't last very long.

Finally, Yoga X finishes up with some more stretches, and some relaxation poses, like Child's Pose and Corpse Pose (lay on your back, close your eyes, and don't move.  Awesome).

Because Yoga X is so freaking long, I really need to get to bed.  I'm beat.  Back to a hard workout again tomorrow night, unfortunately.

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