Friday, February 28, 2014

City Park Crit - test ride

OK, Wednesday night's threshold test took a lot out of me.  My legs were just dead last night, and I didn't work out, and didn't get around to posting here.  But today I was feeling a lot better.

This weekend was supposed to be the Frostbite Time Trial, up north of Fort Collins.  I was really looking forward to it, but after checking the weather forecast every day, it just looks like it's going to be miserable.  Every time I check, it keeps getting worse.  Now, it's calling for 24° and snow.  Not a whole lot of fun for a bike race.  So, I decided to skip this one.  I'll probably still get in some good trainer time, though.  And that lets me get ready for next weekend, which is the first criterium of the season.  It's the first of the college-sponsored races of the year, the University of Denver Criterium at City Park.  It will be 45 minutes of racing on a 0.77-mile course through City Park in Denver.

In order to prepare for the race, I made plans to meet up with a couple other teammates to ride the course during lunch today.  Instead of throwing the bike on the car, I just decided it was time for my first bike commute of the season.  It was supposed to be a nice day, so it was pretty perfect.  So, I rode the 13.5 miles to work, then headed out for my ride at lunchtime.  We met downtown, then rode the few miles to City Park.  After running into a bunch of one-way streets and hospitals, we finally made our way there.  We need to find a better route next time.  Unfortunately, once you go from one side of Broadway to the other, the entire city street grid rotates, making everything really confusing.

The crit course is short, flat and generally triangle-shaped.  You hit a roundabout in three corners, hitting the outside of 2 of them, and the inside of 1 of them.  That one where we hit the inside of the roundabout has a really sharp turn at the exit.  It's probably going to make for a lot of crashes.  We'll see how it goes.  The ride itself was nice.  We did about 10 laps, slowly increasing our speed with each lap as we got a little more comfortable with the turns.  It was a little sketchy because we had to constantly watch for traffic, and on one of the roundabouts we're actually riding against traffic, which required extra vigilance.   But I think overall we got a lot of good info about the course, and a good feel for how to best take the turns.

After finishing work for the afternoon, time for my commute home.  Somehow, the temperature had dropped like 30° since lunch, and I wasn't ready for it.  After riding about 2 miles, I stopped, dug through my bag, and grabbed my coat, long pants and full gloves, then hit the road again.  Then, my Garmin died.  I realized that since I've been using TrainerRoad to record most of my indoor rides, I've been using my Garmin, but never plugging it in to sync it (which also charges it).  When I turned it on this morning, it said 100% battery, which kind of surprised me.  But I guess it was wrong.  So, I stopped my ride again, grabbed my phone, and turned on the Strava app.  So, my ride is shown in two segments today.

Thursday Food:
  • Breakfast:  Fruit / protein smoothie
  • Lunch:  I had an all-day meeting at work, and boxed lunches were brought in.  Had an Italian sub from Quiznos.  It tasted like crap.  It was loaded with olives for some reason.  Who does that?  Even after picking them all off, I could still taste them.  Chips and a cookie were good, though.
  • Dinner:  Chicken piccata.  Pretty easy, and very tasty.  Also some green beans, that weren't very fresh.  Damn.

Friday Food:
  • Breakfast:  Fruit / protein smoothie
  • Lunch:  Protein bar at my desk after my bike ride
  • Dinner: Smashburger.  Yum.  Was planning to get a salad from Chipotle, but stopped by and it was jam-packed.  Didn't feel like waiting in line, and I knew we wouldn't find a seat.  Smashburger is right across the street, and delicious.

Friday Exercise:
  • Commute to/from work.
  • 10 laps of the City Park crit course during lunch.

Today's weigh-in:  186.0

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Threshold Test

I did another Threshold Test today.  This measures my Functional Threshold Power (FTP) and Lactate Threshold Heart Rate (LTHR).  These are great numbers to know for training, as they will guide your training intensity throughout your program.  Typically, you want to take a test about every 6 weeks to gauge progress.

The idea is that over those 6 weeks, you base your workouts on your tested threshold.  As you work out, you occasionally push yourself beyond that threshold, increasing it.  When you do the test again, you show an improved threshold, and the cycle begins again.  At least, that's the plan.

Today, my threshold results showed 4 watts lower than my previous threshold.  That's not supposed to happen.  Maybe I was just having a bad day.  I will continue to base my threshold on my previous results, instead of today's test.  My one consolation is that I am not measuring direct power, but instead measuring "virtual power" using the TrainerRoad software.  Instead of measuring true power being transferred to the bike through a power meter, it calculates a power number based on measured speed and cadence along with a known "power curve" for my specific model of trainer.  Because it takes all these factors into account, the numbers can be thrown off by a number of things, including the air pressure in my tires, and how much I have tightened down the trainer.

So, I don't really trust the numbers.  That's not good, but oh well.  I'll continue to use my numbers from last time.  And either way, I got in a nice hard workout, which was my real plan for today.

  • Breakfast:  Fruit / protein smoothie, as usual
  • Lunch:  I broke down and got a cheesesteak.  So sue me.  It was delicious.  I justified it by knowing I was going to have a salad for dinner.
  • Dinner:  Sausage with peppers and onions.  I thought my wife was going to the gym, leaving me and the kids on our own for dinner.  But her workout got moved to later in the week, so we had to whip up a family dinner.  So, instead of my salad, we had some sausage we were saving for later.  Oops.

  • 45 minutes on the elliptical when I woke up.  4.7 miles.
  • 20-minute threshold test on the trainer.  Came up with an FTP of 211 watts.  Previous result was 215 watts.  I'm going to continue to train based on 215 watts.

Today's weigh-in:  189.4

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Strendurance Workout D

Today is my first session of Strenduance Workout D.  This is the fourth video in the progression.  Similar to the previous workouts, it's about 30 minutes of hard work.  The actually exercises are the same as before, just sometimes in a little different order.  We're also generally adding some intensity, typically by adding weight, if possible.  As before, the workout also mixes in some general cardio, just to keep the hard moving between strength moves.

This workout goes as follows:

Warm up:
  • 30 sec flix
  • 30 second squats
  • 30 seconds high knees
  • 10 squat thrusts

Set 1 (x3):
  • 30 sec squats (with weights this time)
  • 30 sec push ups
  • 30 sec crunches
  • 30 sec back hyperextensions
  • 30 sec mountain climbers

Set 2 (x3):
  • 30 sec overhead press
  • 30 sec dumbbell rows
  • 30 sec tricep extensions
  • 30 sec bicep curls
  • 30 sec jumping jacks

Set 3 / Cool down:
  • 10 squat thrusts
  • 10 push ups
  • 10 squats (with weights)
  • 10 jumping jacks

My daughter had gymnastics tonight, so I decided to squeeze in a workout in their fitness room during her class.  The fitness room is pretty terrible, but at least the treadmill is decent.  Or it was, until tonight.  I paid my $2.50 to use the room for the hour, walked in, and the stupid treadmill had an "out of order" sign on it.  Crap.  That left me with a POS treadmill, POS stairmaster, POS elliptical, POS bike-thing, and some weird ab-workout thing.  It sucked.  I ran on the rickety elliptical for a while, and then attempted to use the broken rowing machine for a while.  They both worked well enough, but it wasn't very enjoyable.

  • Breakfast:  Fruit / protein smoothie.
  • Lunch: Free lunch at work. Taco salad.
  • Dinner:  Gymnastics night is pizza night.

  • Strendurance Workout D
  • 20 minutes on the crappy elliptical at my daughter's gym
  • 20 minutes on the crappy rowing machine at my daughter's gym

Today's weigh-in:  188.2

Monday, February 24, 2014

Run and ride

I really wanted to get up early today to work out, but I was up so late writing yesterday's post, I just couldn't do it.  But I wanted to get in two workouts today, so I decided to get in a lunchtime run.  This let me sleep in a bit this morning, and still get in two workouts, with my bike workout after dinner.

  • Breakfast:  Fruit / protein smoothie
  • Lunch:  Protein bar at my desk, after my run.
  • Dinner:  Chicken, grilled, then topped with a pepperoni marinara sauce and mozzarella, then broiled.  Yum.

  • 4.0 mile run at lunch.
  • Spinervals 12.0 - Recharge.  A nice easy one tonight.

Today's weigh-in:  186.6

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Gebhardt Automotive Cycling Classic (aka Carter Lake Road Race)

Well, this was it.  My first ever bike race.  I'm not counting the time trial I did last year, since a time trial is kind of a different thing.  Before I started, I told my wife I had two goals: 1) Don't crash, and 2) don't come in last.  I'm happy to say I succeeded on both counts.

As I've mentioned before, since this is my first year racing, I'm in Category 5, which is essentially all the new racers.  I'll be in this category until I complete 10 mass-start races, at which point I can request to be moved to Category 4.  A mass-start race is one where an entire group starts at once.  In other words, a road race or a criterium.  Time trials don't count, since the whole point of Category 5 is to get you comfortable with riding in a group race.  In a time trial, you're essentially on the road by yourself, so you're not really learning anything about racing.

The Senior Men Cat5 race started at 12:49pm on Saturday.  (Note:  I know I'm 40 and don't like to consider myself a "senior", but for the purposes of bike racing, a "senior" is anyone who isn't a "junior".  And I'm definitely not a junior).  I wanted to make sure I had plenty of time to get ready, so I hopped in the car around 10am, and got to the race a little before 11am.  After finding a place to park, I walked over to the start line to pick up my number and my timing chip.  And surprise!  I got an end-of-race beer-ticket, too!  Sweet!  Then back to the car to start getting dressed.

Weather for the race was supposed to be chilly and slightly breezy.  About 40°F and 7-8 mph winds, with a slight chance of snow.

I was a little unsure about when I should be doing what, but I'm sure I'll get used to it eventually.  I decided it was cold enough to wear my new team jacket, and started to work on pinning on my numbers.  But then I thought I would work on warming up and getting the bike ready, and maybe have my wife pin the numbers on when she showed up a little later.

So, I just finished getting dressed.  Team bib shorts, jersey, jacket and knee warmers, as well as my socks and shoes.  Ready to go.  I love the new team kit, and I can't wait to lose about 10 more pounds so it actually fits.  It's supposed to be somewhat snug, but I'm kind of squished in it right now.  Got out the helmet, long-fingered gloves, water bottles and bike computer.  One bottle of water, just for pre-race hydration, and one bottle of Skratch for during the race.

I also started getting a few other things squared away, like my little car-key/credit card pouch I carry on all my bike rides.  It's just a little card-sized pouch with a key ring.  On all my rides, I throw my credit card and drivers license in the pouch, and maybe a little cash depending on where I'm riding.  This keeps me from having to carry my full key chain and wallet in my jersey pockets while I'm riding.  I also threw my phone in my pocket in case my team was trying to call or my wife needed to find me when she showed up.  I would plan to leave it in the car during the race, though.

After that, I decided to try to find my team, who was riding around a bit to warm up.  I headed down the road a bit, eventually meeting up with them on the way back from their warm-up ride.  I didn't get much of a warm-up, unfortunately, and then decided to find a friend of mine from work, who just joined up with a different team.  I eventually found him at his car and we chatted for a few minutes before I needed to get back and start warming up on my trainer.

Right about then, my wife and kids showed up, and suddenly things started getting a little hectic.  I rode back to the car and they walked over.  I got the trainer out of my trunk, and got the bike set up, then asked my wife to help me pin my numbers on my jacket.  She started working on that while I started spinning on the trainer.  The kids helped a little bit, too.  I brought an extra set of wheels with me, and they helped me get them ready to throw in the support truck. (If you get a flat, they just give you a replacement wheel instead of trying to patch it or changing a tube).  Then I realized she was pinning the numbers too low, and covering up my pockets.  So, she had to start over.

Warming up at the car.  Showing off the new team kit.

Once she finished the numbers, I realized I only had a few minutes left before my race was going to start.  I jumped off the bike, packed up the trainer, grabbed my wheels and started riding over to the start line.  That's when I realized that the kids left the cowbells in the car, which was now locked.  So, no cowbells for this race, unfortunately.  So, I rode over to the start, found the wheel van and turned those over.  Then I went and found a spot in line near the rest of my team.  At this point, they were sending different categories off every 3 minutes, and there were two groups ahead of me, so I had about 6 minutes to spare.  After one group went, we shuffled forward a bit and waited for the next group.  Some chatting amongst the team as we got ready for what was, for most of us, our first race.

At that point, I realized that I had some crap with me that I didn't plan on carrying.  The race was pretty short, so I was only going to bring one water bottle, but looked down and saw that I was still carrying two bottles.  Then I realized that my phone was still in my jacket pocket, which I also wasn't planning on.  Both of these things were just extra weight.  I've got enough extra weight on my gut, I didn't need to be carrying more than necessary.  But my wife and kids were about 100 yards down the road, so I couldn't hand them off, and we were moving up to the start line.

Gathered at the start line.

At the line, the referee reminded us of some rules.  Not much, other than "don't cross the center line" since the other side of the road was open to traffic.  He told us we had a rolling start, and the race would actually start once we made the right turn shortly after we started moving.  And then, WE'RE OFF!

I'm in this group somewhere.  The guy towards the left side in the black and fluorescent green is Jonathan from my team, who went on to win.

I start wonderfully.  With my last minute rushing around, and frantically trying to figure out what to do with my water bottle and phone, I'm a little distracted.  As soon as I start moving, I bump wheels with my own teammate in front of me, with my spoke getting slightly caught on his skewer.  We both wobble a bit, I swear a few times, and apologize profusely, and then we're off and running.  We start slowly, then make the right turn and the pace kicks up.  We're a group of fifty-five Cat5 racers, most of us in our first race ever, so it's a little crazy.  Fortunately, our team had practiced together quite a bit, and we were also instructed that Cat5's are a little crazy, so I tried to remain aware of what was going on around me.  There was some frantic speeding and braking ahead of me, and almost a few collisions.  Lots of swearing and yelling amongst the crowd.  I managed to get myself out of the way of that group and forged ahead.  I'm not sure if that was the cause or not, but afterwards I heard there was a crash right at the beginning of the race.  I assume it happened right about then, and somewhere behind me.  I don't think anyone from our team got caught up in the mayhem.

After the sketchy start, things settled down.  As expected, no one worked together and it was kind of a free-for-all.  I had ridden the route a few times before, and had a pretty good idea of what I could do, and the group was going a little slow for my taste.  So I slowly made my way around a bunch of people and got into a good groove.  I passed one or two teammates on the way.  I really wasn't sure if I should stick with them so we could work together, or just push on and do the best I could do.  I gave some words of encouragement, and pushed on ahead.

About a third of the way into the race, the grade kicks up.  Gradually at first, and then it pushed up a decent slope to Carter Lake.  I was feeling pretty good, and passed quite a few more people on the climb.  A couple people passed me on the climb, up out of their saddle, but they eventually tired themselves out and I caught right back up with them as I kept a pretty steady pace.  Once we were up onto the dam road, it flattened out and the pace picked up again.  At this point, I was basically hanging around one or two other guys, but we weren't really working together.  I need to make sure to encourage that a little more next time.

This isn't my photo, or a photo of me.  This is from earlier in the day from an awesome photographer named Dejan Smaic of  He shoots most of the local races out here, and his work is pretty awesome.  I used this photo because he doesn't have his full gallery available yet.  And I thought this picture was pretty cool.  I hope he doesn't mind that I'm showing it here.  If it turns out he got a good shot of me, I may buy one and include in on a later post.

Following the segment on the dam road, we headed back downhill, fast.  Going into the race, I was a little worried about this hill.  It just has some slight curves, but is mainly straight, with a slightly harder turn at the bottom.  I was concerned about having 50 people on this descent at the same time.  Turns out, my fears were unfounded.  At that point, there were only about 4-5 of us anywhere near each other, and the road felt pretty open.  I probably had quite a few pounds on the other guys, so I was able to descend a lot faster.  I got up to 42.3 mph, which isn't all that fast for this hill.  I know I've done it over 50mph before.  But there was quite a crosswind, so I was pretty comfortable with this speed, and was still able to handle my bike.  I also had some really low-profile climbing-type wheels, which helped, I'm sure.  I'll bet people with the deep aero-wheels had a much harder time.

After that descent, the speeds really picked up.  There is a long, gradual downhill followed by a long, gradual uphill.  On the uphill section, I ended up riding in a paceline with two other guys for a while, which helped up keep our speed up.  Pretty soon, though, one of the guys dropped off and it was just me and one other guy for a couple miles.  We managed to pass another rider or two, I think.

Because I had ridden the course before, I knew where the uphill was going to crest, and I took off the best I could.  From there, it was about 1.5 miles to the finish, and I just went as hard as I could.  I ended up finishing the 17 mile course in 48:22, or about 20.9 mph average.

Final result:  26th place out of 55 starting riders.  Two people didn't finish.  Thinking they might have been in the crash at the beginning.  You can see the results HERE.  My results are in the SM 5 category.

Overall, I'm happy with how I finished.  I would have loved to have done better, but I really think I rode about as hard as I could.  A couple things could help in the future:  1) Losing weight.  I was pretty happy with my power, but my power-to-weight sucks.  I want to keep my power numbers up while bringing my weight down.  That will help tremendously.  And 2), once everyone gets used to how to race, I'm hoping it becomes more of a tactical race instead of everyone just going all-out as hard as they can.  Working as a group, we can all go faster without having to work as hard.  Oh, and 3) I need to eat.  As i WAS frantically trying to finishing warming up, I totally spaced on eating anything before the race.  My race was at 12:49pm, so basically after lunchtime.  I didn't want to eat a full lunch before the race, but I brought some stuff to snack on.  And I completely forgot.  I realized when I was done that I hadn't eaten anything.  Oops. 

There were a number of photographers on the course, but most haven't posted all their photos yet.  If I see anything good, I'll include them on a later post.

After the race, I hung around to check on the rest of the team, and to get my free beer.  Unfortunately, it was freezing cold, and I wasn't really in a beer kind of mood.  I could have used some hot chocolate and warm clothes.  But I hung around long enough to see one of my teammates take the podium for getting first place in our category.  Amazing.   His first race ever, and he snags first place.  Overall, we had 7 guys in our group.  Out of 55 racers, we placed in 1st, 10th, 26th (me), 40th, 43rd, 49th and 50th.

I haven't posted here in a few days, so I'll see if I can remember what I've been up to:

Saturday Food:
  • Breakfast: Fruit / protein smoothie
  • Lunch: Ugh.  Basically nothing. (See above).  I had a Snickers and a beer after my race.  And a Coke on the drive home.
  • Dinner:  MY wife and I went to the National Jewish Health Beaux Arts Ball again last night.  We go pretty much every year.  Black tie, fancy-schmancy event.  We had whatever they were serving.  Kale waldorf salad, big hunk o' steak, grits and veggies.  One beer and a lot of water.
Fancy salad.

What, you don't have aerialists at your dinners?

Saturday Exercise:
  • Gebhardt Automotive Cycling Classic.

Sunday Food:
  • Breakfast:  Fruit / protein smoothie
  • Lunch:  Qdoba steak tacos.  In between my daughter's soccer game and returning my tux.
  • Dinner:  Something new.  Can't find the recipe.  But it was chopped chicken breast and chicken sausage in a creamy wine sauce with onions and probably some other stuff.  On a bed of sauteed cabbage.  Awesome.  Anything with sausage is good, even chicken sausage.

Sunday Exercise:
  • Spinervals 28.0 - Aero Base Builder VI.  Fairly easy workout to recover from yesterday, but still got in a good sweat.

Today's weigh-in:  188.0

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Getting ready for my race

Just a couple days before my first race on Saturday.  And I've got some good news!  My team kit finally showed up!  Sounds like the shipping was delayed by some recent storms, but it finally got here, just in time.  Phew!  I'll get some pictures of me in my kit at my race on Saturday.

I decided to get in a short run today.  Instead of getting up at 5am like I've been doing recently, I brought some stuff to work and went for a run during lunch.  I was basically prepared, but it was a little colder than I expected, and I probably should have had some gloved.  It should warm up a bit before my race.

I didn't want to work out too hard before my race, so today was kind of an easy day on the bike.  I did my hard workout last night, and needed to recover a bit today.  So I got on the bike and just did an easy spin for 45 minutes while cranking through another episode of "Burn Notice".

After my workout, I started getting my bike ready.  I'd been riding on my clip on aero bars, with the time trial seat and seatpost.  So, I took off the aero bars and switched out my seat and seatpost.  I also changed my wheels to the new ones I bought a couple weeks ago.  I'm a little nervous about riding on wheels I've never ridden before, but I am really eager to use these wheels, so I'm going to take the risk.

  • Breakfast:  Fruit / protein smoothie
  • Lunch:  Protein bar at my desk after my run.
  • Dinner:  Something called Paleo Joe.  Ground beef, sun-dried tomatoes, onion, garlic, tons of spinach and a bunch of eggs, cooked together like a big skillet meal.  Pretty good.

  • 3.6 mile run at lunch
  • 45 minutes on the bike watching some TV

Today's weigh-in:  188.8

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Crested Butte

Haven't posted in a few days.  The family took a nice long weekend in Crested Butte to do some skiing, eating and relaxing, and I'm just getting back into the swing of things here.

After frantically packing up on Thursday night, we hit the road late Friday morning for the drive to CB.  It should have been about 4 1/2 hours, but took longer when we ran into a closed highway heading out of Denver.  We got on 285 only to run into a sign indicating that Kenosha Pass was closed due to weather.  So, we hopped back on the highway and took a different route, which added a bit of travel time.

After getting to CB and checking in to the Grand Lodge, the same place we stayed last summer, we hopped on the bus and headed to town for dinner.  I really love almost everything about Crested Butte, but one of my favorite things is the free shuttle bus.  After parking the car at the hotel on Friday, we never touched it again until we left on Monday.  Anyway, we jumped on the shuttle and headed to the Secret Stash down in town.  When we visited last summer, this was one of our favorite spots, and we've recently been trying to recreate the pizza we had there, called The Hamptons.  It was good to have the real thing again.  Filled up on pizza and beer, and jumped on the shuttle back up to the hotel.

At the Secret Stash in CB, ready for some pizza.

On Saturday morning, we got up and got ready for some skiing.  My wife doesn't ski, so it was just me and the kiddos.  We got dressed and walked over to the resort to pick up our lift tickets and rentals.  Then we grabbed a quick breakfast at Camp4Coffee and hit the slopes.  I've been skiing for as long as I can remember, but the kids just started last year, and have only skied twice.  So, it was more like ski lessons than a rockin' day on the mountain.  The resort had one lift that just served a couple short green runs, so we headed there first.  We spent most of the morning there, while the kids tried to remember how to ski.  It took a little while, but they improved slowly throughout the morning.  Well, pretty much everything except getting off the lift.  Ugh.  They were both crashing every time they got off the lift.  It was really frustrating and embarassing.  More on that later . . .

After meeting my wife for a quick lunch of some pizza in the base area, we hit the slopes again.  This time, I decided the kids were ready for a bigger, although not necessarily more difficult, run.  We headed up the Red Lady Express, which leads to a ton of green runs, as well as a few blues.  The kids were getting better and better with every run.  Except for getting off the lift.  Oh man, they were a mess.  We skied the rest of the day, crashing off the top of the lift every time.  We stored our skis for the night, then headed back to the hotel to rest before dinner.

After relaxing for a bit, we jumped on the shuttle and headed to town again.  This time, we went to a place called The Last Steep.  We had quite a bit of a wait for a table, but eventually got seated for a pretty good dinner.  Then, back on the shuttle and back to the hotel.

That night, I really felt like I needed a workout, so I headed down to the fitness center.  I did an interval workout on the treadmill for 30 minutes, followed by a pretty difficult hill workout on a recumbent bike.  Back to the room for a shower and bed.

Sunday morning, it was time to ski again.  Picked up lift tickets, and then grabbed another quick breakfast, this time at a little bakery at the base area.  Then back of the Red Lady Express, where we spent the rest of the day.  After a couple runs, and more crashes at the top of the lift, I made the mistake of offer the kiddos $1 for every time they got off the lift without falling.  The next time, my daughter stayed up but my son still fell over.  But every time after that, like magic, they managed to get off the lift perfectly every time.  It's amazing the problems a little cash can solve.

After another long day of skiing, we heading into town again, first to the local ice rink for some skating, and then to the Brick Oven for some more pizza.  Then, back to the hotel, and the kids did some swimming.  I went to the fitness center again, for 30 more minutes on the treadmill, followed by Strendurance Workout C.  I didn't have the video to watch, so I just pulled up a description of the workout on my phone, and just did the routine as described.

After another good night's sleep, we woke up and packed up our stuff.  Breakfast at the hotel, then into the car for a long drive home.  We've spent a couple days trying to get ourselves back into the swing of things, and I missed some workouts.  But I got back into it tonight, cranking through Spinervals 34.0 - Super High Intensity Training.  I wanted a good hard workout mid-week, so I have time to recover before Saturday's race.  I'll do some easier workouts tomorrow and Friday, which should leave me ready for the race on Saturday.

Food for the last few days:
  • Breakfast:  Blueberry muffins at the ski resort.  Smoothies since we've been back.
  • Lunch:  Various crap while skiing.  Pizza, burgers, etc.  Protein bar today.
  • Dinner:  Various stuff at Crested Butte.  Described above.  Pizza, etc.  Had a nice caesar salad at The Last Steep.  Like a normal Caesar, but with a jerk-marinated chicken.  Delicious.  Pizza last night, and a salad with chicken tonight.

  • Saturday:  30 minutes of intervals on the treadmill.  30 minute hill workout on the recumbent bike.  At the hotel fitness room.  Plus skiing, of course.
  • Sunday:  Skiing again.  Plus 30 minutes on the treadmill and 30 minutes of Strendurance Workout B.
  • Tonight:  Spinervals 34.0 - Super High Intensity Training.

Today's weigh-in:  Not doing a weigh-in tonight.  Don't feel like it.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Not much to say today...

Not much to say today.  I ate.  I went to work. I worked out.  That's pretty much it.

  • Breakfast:  Fruit / protein smoothie.  You'd think it would start getting old, but it really doesn't.  They're really tasty, and pretty easy to make.
  • Lunch:  Ugh.  Cheesesteak.  Couldn't help it.  I was so hungry.
  • Dinner:  Salad with chicken.  Cooked the chicken in a little hot sauce tonight, which was a nice change.

  • 45 minutes on the elliptical.  5.1 miles.
  • 1:20 on the trainer.  Spinervals 21.0 - Aero Base Builder IV.  Decided to just follow the power targets instead of watching the video, so I kind of didn't really do this workout.  I mean, I met the power requirements, but I wasn't following the cadence that Coach sets.  This workout is basically 1 hour straight at a constant intensity.  No real intervals or anything.  So I decided to just watch some TV instead.

Today's weigh-in:  190.0

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Strendurance - Workout C

Today was a strength workout, followed by an easy ride on the trainer.  The strength training was first thing in the morning when I woke up.  30 minutes with a new Strendurance workout: Workout C.  Coach Troy wasn't kidding when he said these are getting progressively harder.  This was definitely a tough workout.  Here's the rundown of Strendurance Workout C:

Warmup (1x)
  • 30 seconds flix
  • 30 seconds squats
  • 30 seconds jumping jacks
  • 10 squat thrusts

Set 1 (3x)
  • 30 seconds push-ups
  • 30 seconds dumbbell rows
  • 30 seconds mountain climbers

Set 2 (3x)
  • 30 seconds squats
  • 30 seconds overhead shoulder press with dumbbells
  • 30 seconds high-knee run-in-place

Set 3 (3x)
  • 30 seconds crunches on stability ball
  • 30 seconds back hyper-extensions on stability ball
  • 30 seconds plank

Set 4 (1x)
  • 10 squat thrusts
  • 10 push ups
  • 10 squats
  • 10 jumping jacks (he counts them weird, so it's actually more like 20)

After dinner tonight, it was time for a ride on the trainer.  This was a pretty easy one.  Spinervals 35.0 - Cycling Technique Focus.  Like the title says, this was focused mostly on technique, so it was not very hard on the legs.  The workout included some high-speed spins, with a focus on keeping the upper-body still, some single-leg drills, switching between sitting and standing, and some more really high-cadence spins.  Unlike most Spinervals workouts, this one really shook out the legs rather than killing them.  A nice change of pace.

  • Breakfast:  Fruit / protein smoothie
  • Lunch:  Steak tacos at Qdoba
  • Dinner:  Some boboli pizza.  Our usual on gymnastics night.

  • Strength training with Strendurance Workout C.  First time with this workout.  This is definitely a step up from A and B.  I can really feel it today.
  • Spinervals 35.0 - Cycling Technique Focus.  If anyone wants to see what this is about, here are Coach Troy's notes for this workout:

Today's weigh-in:  190.0

Monday, February 10, 2014

Last week of this training session

So, this is the last week of this 6-week training program.  I have a few more workouts this week, and this session is supposed to end with an indoor century on Saturday.  Or an outdoor century if the weather is nice.  Spinervals has a video, Spinervals 26.0, that is supposed to be an indoor century.  It is actually three videos, which add up to about 5 1/2 hours of riding.  Inside.  Yuck.

I did that video last summer when I broke my arm and couldn't ride outside, but still needed to train.  After I was done, I promised I would never do it again.  What a massive waste of time.  I have so many better things to do than to ride my bike in my basement for almost 6 hours.

Fortunately, I'm going to miss the last couple days of this session as I head out to do some skiing instead.  That should be some good exercise without being stuck on the bike.

I'm not sure if Coach Troy has another 6-week training program set up, but I'm pretty sure he does.  I'm just not sure I'll be able to do it.  After this weekend, I have one week off before my first race of the season.  And after that, I might be racing almost every weekend for the next few months.  Coach Troy's training program is more geared toward longer endurance events, like Ironman Triathlons and stuff, and not for shorter races like criteriums.  For that, I'll need to be working more on explosive power and sprints, and less on endurance.  Especially as a Cat 5 racer, since my races are shorter than the higher categories.

So once this session is over, I need to come up with a new program to take me through race season.  I'm not exactly sure what that will be yet, but it will probably be something like this:
  • Race on Saturday or Sunday, or both.
  • Recovery ride on Monday
  • Aerobic base or recovery on Tuesday.  Or maybe a rest day
  • Hard intervals on Wednesdays
  • Rest or recovery on Thursday
  • Easy aerobic or recovery ride on Friday
  • Then back to racing again
 At least, that's about what I'm looking at right now.  I'm still trying to get it figured out.  I'll probably still be throwing some weight and run workouts in the mix, too, just to keep my general fitness up.

For now, though, I'll finish up the next few days of this session.  Then I can worry about race training.

  • Breakfast:  Fruit / protein smoothie
  • Lunch:  I screwed up.  Broke down and went and grabbed a cheesesteak. 
  • Dinner:  Italian sausage, with peppers and onions

  • 45 minutes on the elliptical when I woke up.  4.4 miles.
  • 1 hour on the trainer.  Spinervals 28.0 - Aero Base Builder VI

Today's weigh-in:  187.2

Sunday, February 9, 2014

3 hours on the trainer . . .

 . . . equals 4 hours on the road?  That's what Coach tells me.  Since I couldn't get out on the road today, then I guess this was a pretty good substitute.

Today was a pretty tough workout.  This was supposed to be a rest day.  Yesterday, I was supposed to get in a run and a trainer workout.  But while I managed to find time to hop on the elliptical for 45 minutes, I wasn't able to find 3 hours to get on the bike.  So, I moved that workout to today.  I squeezed in a hard 3-hour workout before lunch.  My legs are pretty beat right now.  I hope to be ready for my next bike workout tomorrow night.  It's only going to be an easy base-builder workout, so hopefully it won't be too bad.

  • Breakfast:  Fruit / protein smoothie
  • Lunch:  After my 3 hour workout, I needed some calories, so I grabbed a big burger at SmashBurger.  We tried to go to Chipotle, but it was jam-packed for some reason.  Went across the street for a burger instead.
  • Dinner:  Stuffed peppers

  • Three hours on the trainer.  Spinervals 13.0 - Tough Love.

Today's weigh-in:  186.8.  Huh.  Wasn't expecting that.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Easy day

I was supposed to crank out a 40 minute run and a 3-hour ride today.  But we had a few things going on.  First, we had to wait for a guy to show up and finish the install on one of our new windows.  When he didn't show up before my daughter's soccer game, we just left.  Towards the end of the game, the guy called and said he was there.  He hung around until we got home, and installed the window then.

After the window was done, the family headed out to do a little shopping.  My wife broke the shifter on her mountain bike yesterday.  The bike was pushing 25 years old, so rather than fixing it, we decided it was time for a new bike.  So, we headed over to Performance Bike, with a stop for a sandwich on the way.  Picked her up a new GT Avalanche 3.0 with hydraulic disc brakes.  Pretty nice bike, and a massive step up from what she had been riding.

Got home from the shop, and I had to switch her out to a trainer tire, then move the bike computer to the new bike.  But she was finally ready to go, and she managed to get in a nice 1-hour workout.  I didn't have any time for a 3-hour ride, but I squeezed in my run on the elliptical while she was on the bike.  I'll just have to try to do my ride tomorrow.

  • Breakfast:  Fruit / protein smoothie
  • Lunch:  Corned beef and swiss at Snarf's.  First time I've been there.  Not bad.  Nice to try something new.
  • Dinner:  Buffalo chicken salad, with an extra chicken breast.

  • 40 minutes on the elliptical.  4.6 miles.

Today's weigh-in:  190.2.  This is turning out to be much harder than last year.  Not sure why.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Easy Friday

My training plan called for 30 minutes of active recovery on the bike, and 30 minutes of an easy run.  I ended up doing 40 minutes of each, just because that's about how long an episode of "Burn Notice" is.  So I got to crank through two more episodes tonight, getting me close to the end of Season 3.

  • Breakfast:  Fruit / protein smoothie
  • Lunch: Steak tacos at Qdoba
  • Dinner:  Salad with chicken

  • 30 minute walk at lunch
  • 40 minute easy spin on the bike
  • 40 minute easy jog on the elliptical.

Today's weigh-in:  189.0

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Quads on Fire!

Just got off the bike after finishing Spinervals 42.0 - Quads on Fire.  It certainly lives up to its title.  I chugged some chocolate milk as a recovery drink, and need to rest a bit.

My wife was doing a trainer ride along side me tonight.  Unfortunately, with about 5 minutes left in her workout, something broke inside her front grip-shift.  It's shot.  We might get it fixed or replaced, but most likely she's going to get a new bike.  She's riding a 25-year-old Gary Fisher mountain bike right now.  I'm not sure it's really worth putting any money into at this point.  We'll take a look over the next few days and see what we can find.

  • Breakfast:  Fruit / protein smoothie
  • Lunch:  Protein bar at my desk.  Considered walking somewhere to grab something, but it's just too damn cold to be walking around downtown.
  • Dinner:  Spicy Thai Basil Chicken Wraps.  One of our favorites.

  • 30-minute strength workout when I woke up.  Strendurance Workout B.  This should have been my last session with Workout B.  On to Workout C next week!
  • 90 minutes on the trainer with Spinervals 42.0 - Quads on Fire.

Today's weigh-in:  187.2

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Couple days worth of posts...

I wrote most of a post yesterday, but never actually published it.  So following is two days worth of posts.

Somehow, a crappy Super Bowl weekend caused me to gain like 5 pounds.  That's just bonkers.  Granted, I ate a lot of crap for about 2 days, but 5 pounds is just stupid.  Hoping that was just a temporary thing, or a scale malfunction, and I'll be back on my game tonight.  We'll see, once I get to the end of this post.

Regular day of work today.  My schedule called for a "wildcard rest day", so I could just do whatever I wanted, or rest.  I decided to get up and do an elliptical workout first thing this morning.  I may also do a little something during my daughter's gymnastics class tonight, we'll see.  But then I won't need to work out after dinner.  Looks like I have a hard week coming up, so this is a good rest before that.


Made a nice purchase today during lunch.  I headed out to the bike shop and picked up a new set of wheels:  Mavic Ksyrium Elite.  These will serve two purposes:  1) A huge upgrade in quality over the stock wheels that came with my bike.  And 2) allows me to use my old wheels as a backup set on race day.  I guess you just throw your name on them, and put them in the service truck that follows the race, so you can quickly throw on a replacement wheel if you get a flat or break a spoke or something.

Being able to quickly switch out a wheel doesn't help much unless it's ready-to-go, so I also picked up a new rear cassette:  Shimano Ultegra 10-speed - 11-23.  This is a step up in quality from my stock Shimano 105 cassette, and with a different gear range.  I'll use the 11-23 on flatter rides, and switch to the 11-28 for races and rides that include a lot of climbing.  I also picked up a new tire for each wheel.  Looking forward to getting these set up on the bike and taking it for a spin!

Tuesday Food:

  • Breakfast:  Fruit / protein smoothie
  • Lunch:  Protein bar in the car on the way to the bike shop.
  • Dinner:  Tuesday night is pizza night.  We made a typical pepperoni pizza as well as a spinach/prosciutto white pizza.

Tuesday Exercise:
  • 45 minutes on the elliptical.  4.2 miles.  I kind of took it easy today.

Wednesday Food:

  • Breakfast:  Fruit / protein smoothie
  • Lunch:  Protein bar at my desk.
  • Dinner:  Salad with chicken

Wednesday Exercise:
  • 45 minutes on the elliptical.  4.7 miles.
  • 90 minutes on the trainer.  Spinervals 39.0 - Aerobic Base at 10,000 Feet.

Today's weigh-in:  187.6.  That's more like it.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Super Blah Sunday

I didn't end up posting yesterday.  Not because I was in mourning after the Broncos were embarrassed by the Seahawks.  I really didn't care about that.  In fact, I'm not even sure if I watched any of the game.  I was out running some errands.  Groceries and such.  I watched the halftime show, though.  I enjoyed it, and it sounds like most of the Broncos fans liked the halftime show significantly more than the game.

I just didn't write a post because I was running around, and then when I finally settled down, we decided to watch last week's episode of "Sherlock" on the DVR.  So it was just a bit of a late night.

Here's a quick rundown of yesterday:

  • Breakfast:  Fruit / protein smoothie
  • Lunch:  Steak fajita burrito at Chipotle.  We were in between a soccer game and some eye appointments, so had to grab something.  Should have gotten a salad, but the burrito just sounded delicious.
  • Dinner:  Some buffalo wings during the game.  Although the family had pretty much given up actually watching the game at that point.

  • It was supposed to be a rest day, after that long workout on Saturday.  But I was scheduled for a strength workout on Saturday, too, and never did it.  So, I cranked through that with my 7-year-old son yesterday afternoon.  Strendurance Workout B.

No weigh-in yesterday.  After the burrito and the wings, I probably didn't want to see what the scale had to say.

As for today:

  • Breakfast:  Fruit / protein smoothie
  • Lunch:  Shit.  Somehow, I talked myself into getting a cheesesteak today.  Bad news.
  • Dinner:  Bike team had a meeting tonight.  I had a grilled romaine/steak salad and a beer.

  • 50 minutes on the elliptical.  5.2 miles.
  • I was supposed to do an hour on the trainer tonight, but got back late from the bike team meeting.

Today's weigh-in:  194.0.  WTF?

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Four Hours on the Trainer is Worth Six Hours on the Road

Long, long workout today.  Four long hours on the trainer.  But according to Coach Troy, "four hours on the trainer is worth six hours on the road".  Good enough for me.

  • Breakfast:  Fruit / protein smoothie.  Decided to add in a blueberry bagel and cream cheese to fuel up for my morning workout.
  • Lunch:  Garden salad with some chopped chicken breast.
  • Dinner:  Out to dinner with the wifey.  BJ's Brewhouse.  Jambalaya, and a couple beers.  Yum.

  • 4 hour ride on the trainer.  Spinervals 45.0 - Showdown at the Coyote Corral.

Today's weigh-in:  189.4