Sunday, June 9, 2013

Another milestone

Did get to ride on the trainer as much as I'd hoped today, but I did manage to get in a trainer ride and a good run.  And some swimming with the kiddos at the Lifetime pool.  Beautiful day to hang out by the pool.

As you can see from my weigh-in below, I have weighed-in a little below 176 lbs, which means I have now lost just over 50 lbs since I started this thing back on January 1.  I'm a little behind schedule, but I still hope to be able to hit 165 lbs by the time the Triple Bypass rolls around on January 13, regardless of whether I can ride it or not.  Being below 176 lbs also means this is the least I've weighed in many, many years.  That's a pretty nice feeling.

Also, I ran a little more than a 10k this morning.  Strava is having a running challenge this month, challenging users to run a 10k in a single activity.  I assumed I just needed to run it sometime this month, so I woke up this morning and thought I'd knock out this challenge.  Once I got back and uploaded the run, I was confused about why it wasn't showing up in the challenge results.  I re-read the rules, and much to my surprise, found that the challenge only counts on June 15-16.  So, now I need to run a 10k again NEXT weekend, too.  Oh well.  Now I have a time that I can pace myself against.

Oh, and I just checked my Strava training report for the year, and as of this weekend, I've put in 2,000 miles this year, including riding, running, and my miles on the trainer.  That's pretty awesome, and significantly more miles than I put in all of last year.  Aside from my broken arm, this is a pretty great year for me.

  • Breakfast:  Fruit / protein smoothie
  • Lunch:  Chipotle, steak salad
  • Dinner:  Asian steak skewers and some bok choy again.

  • 6.6 mile run
  • 60 minutes on the trainer, Spinervals 18.0 - Aero Base Builder III.  Yesterday was a tough hill workout, so I opted for something easier today.  Still a good workout, though.


Today's weigh-in:  175.8.  And with that weigh-in, I have finally, officially lost over 50 lbs since January 1.  Yay me!

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