Thursday, June 13, 2013

One month to go...

Today is June 13.  Triple Bypass is July 13.  I plan to be ready.  I'm feeling pretty strong, despite my recently-broken arm.  It's been 4 weeks since I broke it, but I'd rather think that it's been recovering for 4 weeks.  I bought a jacket for the ride.  It showed up today.  It's pretty awesome.  Super-thin and super-light.  Assuming it works as designed, it should be perfect for what I need.  I don't plan to wear it much, but the Triple Bypass is known for some crappy weather, particularly on the high passes.  This should keep me warm-ish and dry for any rain or snow (yes, snow) we might encounter.

Also today, I got my monthly download from Spinervals.  This month, I selected The Hardcore 100, an indoor century video.  Basically, it's about 5 1/2 hours of training video, and should come out to about 100 miles, if ridden at an average pace of 18 mph.  I'm planning to get up early on Sunday to do this.  Kind of a crappy way to spend Fathers Day, but I really need to get in some long rides, and I'm still not comfortable on the road because of my arm.  I'll probably do this twice prior to the Triple Bypass, but I'd like to get back on the road, too.  Maybe about a week before the ride, I can test my arm a little bit out on the road.  We'll see.

I didn't get a chance to work out yesterday.  We've got a bunch of wildfires in Colorado right now, and the air was pretty thick with ash and smoke last night.  Didn't seem like a good idea to ride the bike or go for a run.  We hung out at the pool for a little bit, and that's about it.  Since I didn't work out at all, I didn't really feel like posting to the blog.

  • Breakfast:  Fruit / protein smoothie
  • Lunch:  Cheesesteak again.  I can't help it.
  • Dinner:  A pretty tasty little steak.  And some broccoli and a tossed salad.

  • 90 minutes on the trainer.  Watched the 2-part finale of Burn Notice season 1.  Really enjoying the show.  Makes for some good bike-riding TV.  I probably should have done a Spinervals workout, but I really wanted to finish up the season.

Today's weigh-in:  176.2

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