Saturday, February 23, 2013

Week 8 - Day 5 - Ugh...

Hit a little speedbump in my training today.  Woke up feeling fine, and did my quick morning workout this morning.  But by lunchtime, I was feeling miserable.  I ended up not eating anything for lunch.  Started to feel a little better, so I thought I would hop on the trainer and exercise the sick away.  That's didn't go very well.  Popped in a 1-hour-plus Spinervals video for some decent aerobic training, but only got 35 minutes into it.  I was able to get my heart rate up where it needed to be, but my legs just didn't have anything today.  I kept slowing down until I finally realized I couldn't keep it for for nearly another hour.  Hopped off the bike and came inside and laid down.

After a little rest, it seemed like I was feeling better, but then all hell broke loose, so to speak.  I'll spare you the gory details, but I spent most of the rest of the afternoon in the bathroom.  It took a while, but I think I finally caught the crud that's been moving around our house, and at the office.  I felt a little better around dinner time, so we did our weekly dinner out, but I didn't eat much.  And then Caitlin started to get sick, so we had to leave pretty quickly.

With the amount of time I spent in the bathroom today, it's possible that my weight is way down, but that might be offset by the amount of water and Sobe I've been trying to drink.  We'll see.

  • Breakfast:  Scrambled eggs with peppers, onion, spinach and bacon.  And a fruit/protein smoothie.  Trying to get in all my protein, so the trainer at Lifetime Fitness will be happy.
  • Lunch:  Oops, never ate lunch.
  • Dinner:  A little thin crust pizza at Old Chicago, but we brought quite a bit of it home.

  • My usual morning routine
  • 35 minutes of an 80-minute Spinervals workout.  I was so miserable, I didn't even feel like uploading my ride data.  Certainly nothing to be proud of, although I did burn a few calories.

Today's weigh-in: 195.8

So, regardless of how I lost the weight, that still puts me under 160 lbs.  This means I've lost another 10 lbs., and 30 lbs. since January 1.  This also means I get a cheesesteak for lunch at work on Monday!  Yay!

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