Monday, January 7, 2013

Day 7

Busy evening tonight, not much time for riding or running.

  • Breakfast: Fruit/protein smoothie
  • Lunch: Protein bar
  • Dinner: Boboli pizza, which is our typical dinner nights when my daughter has gymnastics
  • Dessert!:  Our smoothie was so good this morning, my wife asked if I would make the same one again.

  • My usual morning workout
  • Walked for about 40 minutes at lunch.  
  • Then, with only limited time tonight, just a quick 30-minute ride on the trainer, watching the end of Casa de mi Padre.
Today's weight-in: 217.8

That's a little over 8 pounds in one week.  Pretty impressive, but I certainly don't expect to keep that up.  That's a little crazy.  It's going to slow down soon, I'm sure.

1 comment:

  1. usually you'll lose a lot in the first two weeks or so...then you keep losing but not as dramatically. still, it's a great start. keep it up.


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